One of the principle locations for Pretty Ugly People was the Holland Lake Lodge ( We shot there for 12 days and that is where Missi Pyle met our bear trainer, Casey Anderson. Little did we all know that after a year of dating they would decide to get married at the place they met!
Tate and I flew up for the wedding and about 8 other crew members from the film were able to attend. The crowd was an absolute blast - Montana, Texas, NY and LA folks all mixing together. Fantastic wedding, and Missi ended up riding the mechanical bull 3 times in her wedding dress.
The next day Tate and I drove to a nearby rodeo to catch some local flavor. Tate entered the rodeo and did pretty well (video below). We got a t-shirt too. Notice the old woman at the end of the video - it looks like this is the only time they let her out of the house.